martes, 12 de febrero de 2008

About superstitions!!!

Well, I'm not very supersticious person but sometimes I belive in some things like if I wear yellow clothes in new year, I'll have money all the year or maybe if you rigth hand itches it's a sign that you will recive money, but, if you left hand itches it's because you will have debts.It's fun becasuse my family belives in that.
My best friend is ver verysuperticious and sometimes can be fun because she do not want to do nothing because she things that it's a day of bad luck!!!!! or something like that.
I respect the people who belives and who is supersticious because maybe it's an importan partof their lifes, those small things teach us since we're children, but in my case I thing that I have the power for belive or not in superstitions without having to offend the people who belive in superstitions.
Well, I looking for at internet the top of superstitions!!!
  • Bad things come in trees.
  • Never let a black cat cross your eyes.
  • If you break a mirror, toss another one over your shoulder for good luck.
  • Never pick up a stray $100 bill unless Ben Franklin is facing up.
  • Never ever put exactly 5 items on any list.
  • Wait until Wednesday to drink any wine made on Tuesday
  • Driving slow in the left lane ensures a pleasant trip to your destination.
  • Break a mirror, get seven years of really bad shaves.
  • Good luck can only be attained by FORWARDING THIS MESSAGE TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW!!! DO IT!!!! QUICKLY!!!!
  • It's bad luck not to run for President if your father was President.
  • Lightning can't find you if you hold really still.

    and the Number 1 Superstition of Dumb People...
  • Well if one foot is lucky, imagine how lucky a whole--"Dammit, Cottontail, come back here with my keys!"


Fattylicious is not supersticious!!!!!!!

P.s Happy valentine's day

1 comentario:

jazzman58 dijo...

You're still way behind in your blog. Be careful and don't get yourself into trouble. You need to write more!